Hey everyone -

My name is Mr Donoghue. I explain that and the dead snail reference below.

I have been a lawyer for many years. I have skipped up and down the corridors of some of the biggest corporate law firms in the world. (Skipped, because I was probably getting delirious with sleep deprivation.)

But as I climbed up the slippery pole of corporate law. The greasy pole. The greasy slippery pole…

I realised something….

The Gods of Justice want lawyers to bill 10 hours a day. They want us to record our time. They want us to do training on the latest legal concepts. They want us to attend Jennifer’s leaving do (and we don’t even like Jennifer).

And yet somewhere in that chaos… of going from trainee… to associate… to senior associate… to partner…

…we need to learn how to market ourselves as lawyers. How to sell our legal services. And generally be awesome at business development (the “Mega Skills”. See. A defined term. I told you I am a lawyer).

But the Mega Skills are NOT EASY.

And (if taught in the wrong way) they can be incredibly boring topics.

It is tough to learn the Mega Skills by logging onto a webinar. And checking your email at the same time. It is tough to learn the Mega Skills by sitting in a stuffy room for three hours as your eyes start to droop with sleepiness.

And that’s when it hit me…

What if I could make learning the Mega Skills easier for lawyers?

What if I could make the Mega Skills interesting for lawyers?

Lawyers have TikTok brain. What if I could use my (incredible) wit and passion for Gifs and memes to make this entertaining?

I mean, I have already ingested 1000+ hours of information on the Mega Skills. I have read countless books. Attended online courses. Listened to endless podcasts.

What if I could take the knowledge from people who know marketing. Jig it around so it is easy for lawyers to understand and apply. Put a little bow on it. Then send the info to lawyers for them to digest and learn from.

This could help them… win more clients… attract talent… go home earlier…

The acorn of deadsnail.com was planted…

…and you get to witness it grow into a mighty oak. (You lucky sausage.)

So come on a journey with me. Once a week (by way of my free newsletter) I will chuck a marketing concept into your inbox and explain how you apply it THAT DAY to your life as a lawyer.

Subscribe to my newsletter now. Before the ninjas get to me.

Who is Mr Donoghue? And why the Dead Snail?

If you don’t get the dead snail reference, you are clearly not a lawyer of the great courts of England & Wales.

Donoghue v Stevenson is the first case you learn in law school in England & Wales. It’s the foundation of all tort law. And it was about a lady, Mrs Donoghue, finding a dead snail in her ginger beer.

I am using Mr Donoghue as my pseudonym. For now, I prefer to remain anonymous. Like Batman. I am the legal marketing-equivalent of Batman.

I could be your colleague. Your friend. Your mortal enemy. But for now, I will just be regularly sending you legal marketing tips into your inbox.

Kindest regards,

Mr Donoghue